About Gordon

Hav­ing spent most of my life on the edges of Cape Cod Bay, I have found the marine envi­ron­ment, espe­cial­ly the marsh­es and mud­flats, to be a con­stant source of both curios­i­ty and strength. 

I am the environmental guy aboard Barnstable Harbor Ecotours bending my arm in the shape of Cape Cod

Education has been my life…

Short­ly after col­lege I moved to the Cape Cod Nation­al Seashore (NEED Acad­e­my). There I taught Envi­ron­men­tal Edu­ca­tion to fifth graders from all over Cape Cod. Lat­er I became a Marine Edu­ca­tion Teacher for the Barn­sta­ble Coun­ty Exten­sion Ser­vice. For over 30 years, I served as the Ele­men­tary Sci­ence Class­room Teacher in the Town of Falmouth. 

In 1984, I took a year off to build our house in Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage. My wife and I have lived here for over 40 years. We raised three chil­dren, all of whom attend­ed B‑W-B Ele­men­tary School.

I love to share knowledge…

Sev­en years ago, I retired from class­room teach­ing and have since immersed myself in civic life. I have led class­es at Long Pas­ture Audubon Sanc­tu­ary, and was a nat­u­ral­ist with Barn­sta­ble Har­bor Eco­tours. Often I am found at the Stur­gis Library, mov­ing box­es of books, shov­el­ing snow and many oth­er odd jobs. 

I love to absorb knowledge…

Gor­don attend­ing a Vine­yard Wind “input” meet­ing Feb­ru­ary 2019

In 2016, I joined the Barn­sta­ble Ener­gy Com­mit­tee, which was then reor­ga­nized into the Infra­struc­ture and Ener­gy Com­mit­tee. (I am cur­rent­ly the town coun­cilor liai­son to this com­mit­tee.) This expe­ri­ence, cou­pled with atten­dance at the 2017 Barn­sta­ble Cit­i­zens Lead­er­ship Acad­e­my, pro­vid­ed me with impor­tant insight into town gov­ern­ment and pol­i­cy development. 

Before becom­ing a Town Coun­cilor, I reg­u­lar­ly attend­ed a vari­ety of town com­mit­tee meet­ings and infor­ma­tion­al work­shops includ­ing: Barn­sta­ble Town Coun­cil, Shell­fish Com­mit­tee, Water Resource Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee, and Munic­i­pal Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty Pre­pared­ness Workshops. 

As town coun­cilor, I am a liai­son to fol­low­ing committees:

  • Board of Health
  • Old King’s High­way Dis­trict Committee
  • Sandy Neck Board
  • Infra­struc­ture & Ener­gy Committee

Fur­ther, I reg­u­lar­ly attend the Local Com­pre­hen­sive Plan­ning Com­mit­tee which is charged with cre­at­ing a blue­print to car­ry the town through the next ten years.

And yes, I am the Environmental Guy…

Clean water, healthy estu­ar­ies, and sus­tain­able eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment all rely on a healthy envi­ron­ment. I believe this is one of the most impor­tant issues fac­ing our vil­lage, our town, or our region.