September 11 2023

Sew­er Detour Starts Today!  Plan Ahead­Ba­si­cal­ly, Route 28 will be closed to west­bound traf­fic only, from the tall red crane (pump sta­tion) at the end of Phin­ney’s Lane, east to the Greek Church/CVS  cor­ner.The Town of Barn­sta­ble    Depart­ment of Pub­lic Works 382 Fal­mouth Road, Hyan­nis, MA 02601 508.790.6400 Daniel W. San­tos, P.E. Robert R. Steen, P.E. Direc­tor Assis­tant Direc­tor Route 28 East Sew­er Expan­sion Project Sew­er Con­struc­tion Resumes with­in Route 28 (HYANNIS, MA – Sep­tem­ber 7, 2023) Start­ing Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 11, 2023 sew­er instal­la­tion will  resume with­in the Route 28 road­way. Con­struc­tion with­in Route 28 will occur dur­ing the hours of 8:15AM  to 5:30PM, weath­er per­mit­ting, and a sin­gle-direc­tion detour will be nec­es­sary to safe­ly com­plete the work.  Fig­ure 1 depicts the antic­i­pat­ed sin­gle-direc­tion detour of west­bound traf­fic, with east­bound traf­fic being  main­tained on Route 28 (with nec­es­sary lane adjust­ments). Busi­ness­es on Route 28 will remain acces­si­ble  dur­ing con­struc­tion via post­ed detours along with traf­fic con­trol. Motorists should expect delays. As always, please slow down and use extreme cau­tion when trav­el­ing  through the road con­struc­tion areas, and fol­low post­ed safe­ty and detour signs. To review cur­rent  con­struc­tion sequenc­ing and real-time traf­fic advi­sories, please vis­it: Barn­sta­ble Water Resources at or Barnstable’s Waze Live Map at: Fig­ure 1: Antic­i­pat­ed Sin­gle-Direc­tion Detour for West­bound Traf­fic If you have any ques­tions or wish to receive project updates, please con­tact Kel­ly Col­lopy,  Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Man­ag­er, at the Depart­ment of Pub­lic Works at 508–790-6400 or
How do I get these notices in my inbox?
I do not write news updates often, but this detour may effect a num­ber of res­i­dents.  The town has mul­ti­ple sources of infor­ma­tion and you can sign up for time­ly updates on a num­ber of issues.
Here is a link to the front page of the Town’s web­site.
Take some time to check it out.
If you go to the box titled: Barn­sta­ble  Water Resources,  and click on Con­struc­tion Updates, you can scroll down and sign up to have con­struc­tion updates sent direct­ly to you.

Sign up for the Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage Asso­ci­a­tion Newslet­ter:
Here is a link to the Barn­sta­ble Town Cal­en­dar.  Look in on meet­ings of inter­est and maybe some­day you might con­sid­er join­ing a town com­mit­tee.

August 30 2023

Trans­fer Sta­tion Closed Mon­day: 
The Town of Barn­sta­ble Depart­ment of Pub­lic Works Sol­id Waste Divi­sion will be closed Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 4, 2023 in obser­vance of Labor Day. Trash and recy­cling ser­vices will resume on a nor­mal sched­ule Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 5, 2023. For ques­tions, please call the Sol­id Waste Divi­sion at 508–420-2258.
We have to remem­ber that very few towns have a Trans­fer Sta­tion that is open all-day sev­en days a week.
So please thank the crew.

Bot­tle and Can col­lec­tion at the Trans­fer Sta­tion:
The redemp­tion of bot­tles and can will resume this month as the West Barn­sta­ble Whelden Library will be col­lect­ing bot­tles on Fri­days, Sat­ur­days and Sun­days only, all month.

Road Work:  I met with the DPW this week about the inter­sec­tion of Mill­way and Com­merce Roads, as Joe Dugas point­ed out, this cor­ner has become more and more dan­ger­ous.  The town will cut back the bay­ber­ry hedge for vis­i­bil­i­ty, at least one new cross­walk sign will be installed and an old one replaced, and the fad­ed cross­walk lines are on the sched­ule to be repaint­ed in ear­ly Sep­tem­ber.
The DOT (Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion) respond­ed with­in 2 days and filled in a dan­ger­ous washout gul­ly along the north side of 6A in front of the Crane’s house, (across from Colo­nial Way).

Sep­tic Sys­tems:  Will I have to replace my Title 5 sys­tem with a more expen­sive Innovative/Alternative (I/A) sys­tem if my sys­tem fails?
The short answer is no.  On the north side of town Barn­sta­ble Har­bor has clean water, assist­ed by a ten foot tide which helps flush the har­bor.  We also have less den­si­ty than oth­er parts of town.  The areas around the cour­t­hous­es, Com­merce Fields, and Ren­dezvous Lane are sew­ered now.  The only area that will have a nitro­gen prob­lem will be the Brag­g’s Lane neigh­bor­hood. This area is slat­ed to be sew­ered in 20 years, but remem­ber, a lot can change between now and then. This begs for a longer con­ver­sa­tion.  Which reminds me that the BVA will hold some vil­lage issue ses­sions this win­ter.  What would you like to talk about?

Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage Asso­ci­a­tion Newslet­ter:
I have been talk­ing with the Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage Asso­ci­a­tion and more specif­i­cal­ly Sue Eleft­her­akis, who has tak­en over their newslet­ter.  We have decid­ed that their newslet­ter will be focused on local vil­lage events and keep­ing every­one up to date on what dif­fer­ent vil­lage groups are offer­ing.  I would like to focus more on issues that con­cern Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage, Cum­maquid and the wider town.  Thanks to Sue for tak­ing this on.  If you have an event you would like to be in the BVA newslet­ter con­tact Sue.
Here is a link to the lat­est BVA Newslet­ter:

Office Hours:  I have restart­ed office hours at Stur­gis Library, the first Wednes­day of the month, 3:00–5:00.  Come by with you ques­tions and com­ments on any ideas or thoughts you’d like to dis­cuss.  My next date is: Sep­tem­ber 6th. 

Town Coun­cil Meet­ing:    The next Town Coun­cil Meet­ing is Sep­tem­ber 7th at 7:00.

Barn­sta­ble Tus­can Cui­sine:  So what is hap­pen­ing after the fire at the Old Barn­sta­ble Tav­ern site?  I have talked with a few peo­ple, but if you have more info, let me know.  The east or right hand side of the build­ing is up and run­ning, Booth Law is there and open as is the Salon 6A-Spa.  Cer­taPro Paint­ing is work­ing out of the bot­tom of the build­ing.  The west sec­tion had the most dam­age and the Barn­sta­ble Tus­can Cui­sine has been work­ing hard to get reopened.  Right now they are hop­ing for ear­ly Decem­ber.  Jit­ka and her Clean Green com­pa­ny have decid­ed to find a new loca­tion, and Joe Berlan­di has moved his law office across the street.  The Vil­lage missed the restau­rant this sum­mer and we hope the ren­o­va­tions go smooth­ly and quickly.

Air­port Noise:  Many res­i­dents have asked about the increased noise from the air­port.  There seem to have been an inor­di­nate amount of jet traf­fic this sum­mer, but the end is in sight.  The main rea­son has been that the North-South run­way: 6–24, has been closed for resur­fac­ing leav­ing only one run­way, the east-west 15–33, open.  Every 20–25 years the run­ways have to be ground down and resur­faced.  This job has been going on since March and it will be fin­ished by the end of Octo­ber.  This has left only one run­way open all sum­mer and one of the flight paths has been over Calves Pas­ture and the hill behind the old Coun­ty Jail (Maushop Ave).  The Hyan­nis Park neigh­bor­hood behind the Cape Cod Hos­pi­tal has also been affect­ed by this increased traf­fic and noise this sum­mer.  The end is in sight because the two Jet Blue flights a day to NYC will end Sept. 5th, and as sum­mer winds down there should be few­er pri­vate air­craft com­ing and going.  This run­way is all set for 20–25 years.  I was remind­ed that this run­way, east-west, was closed dur­ing the sum­mer of 2017 from March until Octo­ber, but we don’t remem­ber that because it was qui­et for us.

There are plans to length­en the take­off and land­ing areas of the east west run­way, but con­struc­tion would not begin before 2028 and there will be a series of pub­lic involve­ment meet­ings long before then.
There is more info about noise on the Air­port’s web­site  or con­tact: 
Security/Noise Abate­ment Coor­di­na­tor
Christi­na Louns­bury
508–775-2020 x106

Wil­low Street Clear­ing:  Some have asked about the clear­ing of these four acres and here is a clear answer from the CC Times: 

Storm prep: Eversource Energy clears land in Yarmouth for line trucks, crews

Denise Cof­fey
Cape Cod Times
 When anoth­er nor’east­er or major storm hits Cape Cod, Ever­source Ener­gy plans to have equip­ment and man­pow­er cen­tral­ized in a new stag­ing area on Wil­low Street.

The com­pa­ny is des­ig­nat­ing an approx­i­mate­ly 4‑acre emer­gency stag­ing lot for crews and equip­ment on their Yarmouth prop­er­ty, Ever­source spokesman Christo­pher McK­in­non said. It will sup­ple­ment exist­ing stag­ing area agree­ments they have with oth­er part­ners on Cape Cod.

“This new lot will give us the flex­i­bil­i­ty to stage approx­i­mate­ly 100 line trucks and oth­er equip­ment or to set up a tem­po­rary base camp where crews can eat, sleep, refu­el, and con­tin­ue their impor­tant restora­tion work,” McK­in­non wrote in an email to the Times.

Oak Street Trans­former Sta­tion
Ever­source is in the mid­dle of a Mid-Cape Reli­a­bil­i­ty Project.  This includes the addi­tion of anoth­er high ten­sion wire from the Cape Cod Canal to Oak Street.  The site on Oak Street will be devel­oped over the next few weeks to accom­mo­date this line.  Here is a way to link to the con­struc­tion time­line and the Project Web­site:

Bike Trail
Here is an arti­cle from WCAI about the new bike trail behind the Trayser Muse­un in the vil­lage:–08-27/hikes-we-like-bike-association-builds-boardwalk-to-improve-trail

Town Elec­tions: Here is a com­pre­hen­sive arti­cle I am pass­ing on from today’s Cape Cod Times about the upcom­ing elec­tions in Barn­sta­ble.  Barn­sta­ble Nov. 7 elec­tion: Who is already run­ning for town coun­cil, school com­mit­tee?Susan Vaughn
Spe­cial to Cape Cod Times

Four incum­bent Barn­sta­ble town coun­cilors and two new can­di­dates have been cer­ti­fied as can­di­dates to be in the Nov. 7 town elec­tion, Town Clerk Ann Quirk said. They received the required 50 sig­na­tures to be cer­ti­fied as of Monday.None of those who took out nom­i­na­tion papers to run for the School Com­mit­tee and the Hous­ing Author­i­ty have been cer­ti­fied yet, Quirk said in an email. Those two boards require 150 sig­na­tures to be cer­ti­fied. All sig­na­tures for cer­ti­fi­ca­tion are due on Sept. 15 for all three boards.Twenty-one res­i­dents have tak­en nom­i­na­tion papers for 13 town coun­cil seats, and eight seats are being con­test­ed. The four cer­ti­fied incum­bent town coun­cilors are Gor­don Starr, precinct 1; Bet­ty Ludtke, precinct 3; Kris Clark, precinct 11; and Paula Schnepp, precinct 12. Craig Tamash also has been cer­ti­fied to run against incum­bent Niko­las Atsalis in precinct 4. Feli­cia Penn has been cer­ti­fied for the precinct 13 seat cur­rent­ly held by Jen­nifer Cul­lum, who has tak­en out papers for the School Committee.Cullum and long­time Precinct 7 Coun­cilor Jes­si­ca Rapp Gras­set­ti have termed out of their posi­tions after 12 years, Gras­set­ti said Monday.“I’ve enjoyed my time and the great peo­ple. All in all I think it was good,” Gras­set­ti said, adding that she feels it is also good to have challengers.The even-num­bered precinct can­di­dates run for two years dur­ing the first two years of an elec­tion cycle after the lat­est cen­sus (2020) and the odd-num­bered precinct can­di­dates run for four years. In the next elec­tion in two years, the even-num­bered can­di­dates can then run for four years.The town coun­cil chal­lengers who have tak­en out papers, but have not been cer­ti­fied include: Frank Fred­er­ick­son against Starr, precinct 1; John Crow against incum­bent Paul Cusack in precinct 5; Seth Bur­dick and Wendy Solomon, precinct 7, cur­rent­ly held by Gras­set­ti; Louis Parke against Jef­frey Mendes, precinct 8; Char­lie Bloom against Tra­cy Shaugh­nessy, precinct 9; Toby Leary against Clark, precinct 11; and Kyle Cond­in­ho against Schnepp, precinct 12. Three incum­bent coun­cilors who are not being con­test­ed so far are Eric Stein­hilber, precinct 2; Paul Neary, precinct 6; and coun­cil pres­i­dent Matthew Levesque, precinct 10.Five peo­ple have tak­en out nom­i­na­tion papers for the School Com­mit­tee and not been cer­ti­fied. They are incum­bents Michael Judge and Kath­leen Bent as well as Cul­lum, Chan­da Beaty, Louis Parke. None have been cer­ti­fied and Joe Nys­trom, the third com­mit­tee incum­bent up for re-elec­tion, has not tak­en out papers.Three can­di­dates for the Hous­ing Author­i­ty have tak­en out papers, but not been cer­ti­fied. They are incum­bent Deb­o­rah Con­verse, and Ronald Beaty and Louis Parke.