September 11 2023

Sew­er Detour Starts Today!  Plan Ahead­Ba­si­cal­ly, Route 28 will be closed to west­bound traf­fic only, from the tall red crane (pump sta­tion) at the end of Phin­ney’s Lane, east to the Greek Church/CVS  cor­ner.The Town of Barn­sta­ble    Depart­ment of Pub­lic Works 382 Fal­mouth Road, Hyan­nis, MA 02601 508.790.6400 Daniel W. San­tos, P.E. Robert R. Steen, P.E. Direc­tor Assis­tant Direc­tor Route 28 East Sew­er Expan­sion Project Sew­er Con­struc­tion Resumes with­in Route 28 (HYANNIS, MA – Sep­tem­ber 7, 2023) Start­ing Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 11, 2023 sew­er instal­la­tion will  resume with­in the Route 28 road­way. Con­struc­tion with­in Route 28 will occur dur­ing the hours of 8:15AM  to 5:30PM, weath­er per­mit­ting, and a sin­gle-direc­tion detour will be nec­es­sary to safe­ly com­plete the work.  Fig­ure 1 depicts the antic­i­pat­ed sin­gle-direc­tion detour of west­bound traf­fic, with east­bound traf­fic being  main­tained on Route 28 (with nec­es­sary lane adjust­ments). Busi­ness­es on Route 28 will remain acces­si­ble  dur­ing con­struc­tion via post­ed detours along with traf­fic con­trol. Motorists should expect delays. As always, please slow down and use extreme cau­tion when trav­el­ing  through the road con­struc­tion areas, and fol­low post­ed safe­ty and detour signs. To review cur­rent  con­struc­tion sequenc­ing and real-time traf­fic advi­sories, please vis­it: Barn­sta­ble Water Resources at or Barnstable’s Waze Live Map at: Fig­ure 1: Antic­i­pat­ed Sin­gle-Direc­tion Detour for West­bound Traf­fic If you have any ques­tions or wish to receive project updates, please con­tact Kel­ly Col­lopy,  Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Man­ag­er, at the Depart­ment of Pub­lic Works at 508–790-6400 or
How do I get these notices in my inbox?
I do not write news updates often, but this detour may effect a num­ber of res­i­dents.  The town has mul­ti­ple sources of infor­ma­tion and you can sign up for time­ly updates on a num­ber of issues.
Here is a link to the front page of the Town’s web­site.
Take some time to check it out.
If you go to the box titled: Barn­sta­ble  Water Resources,  and click on Con­struc­tion Updates, you can scroll down and sign up to have con­struc­tion updates sent direct­ly to you.

Sign up for the Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage Asso­ci­a­tion Newslet­ter:
Here is a link to the Barn­sta­ble Town Cal­en­dar.  Look in on meet­ings of inter­est and maybe some­day you might con­sid­er join­ing a town com­mit­tee.