August 30 2023

Trans­fer Sta­tion Closed Mon­day: 
The Town of Barn­sta­ble Depart­ment of Pub­lic Works Sol­id Waste Divi­sion will be closed Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 4, 2023 in obser­vance of Labor Day. Trash and recy­cling ser­vices will resume on a nor­mal sched­ule Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 5, 2023. For ques­tions, please call the Sol­id Waste Divi­sion at 508–420-2258.
We have to remem­ber that very few towns have a Trans­fer Sta­tion that is open all-day sev­en days a week.
So please thank the crew.

Bot­tle and Can col­lec­tion at the Trans­fer Sta­tion:
The redemp­tion of bot­tles and can will resume this month as the West Barn­sta­ble Whelden Library will be col­lect­ing bot­tles on Fri­days, Sat­ur­days and Sun­days only, all month.

Road Work:  I met with the DPW this week about the inter­sec­tion of Mill­way and Com­merce Roads, as Joe Dugas point­ed out, this cor­ner has become more and more dan­ger­ous.  The town will cut back the bay­ber­ry hedge for vis­i­bil­i­ty, at least one new cross­walk sign will be installed and an old one replaced, and the fad­ed cross­walk lines are on the sched­ule to be repaint­ed in ear­ly Sep­tem­ber.
The DOT (Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion) respond­ed with­in 2 days and filled in a dan­ger­ous washout gul­ly along the north side of 6A in front of the Crane’s house, (across from Colo­nial Way).

Sep­tic Sys­tems:  Will I have to replace my Title 5 sys­tem with a more expen­sive Innovative/Alternative (I/A) sys­tem if my sys­tem fails?
The short answer is no.  On the north side of town Barn­sta­ble Har­bor has clean water, assist­ed by a ten foot tide which helps flush the har­bor.  We also have less den­si­ty than oth­er parts of town.  The areas around the cour­t­hous­es, Com­merce Fields, and Ren­dezvous Lane are sew­ered now.  The only area that will have a nitro­gen prob­lem will be the Brag­g’s Lane neigh­bor­hood. This area is slat­ed to be sew­ered in 20 years, but remem­ber, a lot can change between now and then. This begs for a longer con­ver­sa­tion.  Which reminds me that the BVA will hold some vil­lage issue ses­sions this win­ter.  What would you like to talk about?

Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage Asso­ci­a­tion Newslet­ter:
I have been talk­ing with the Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage Asso­ci­a­tion and more specif­i­cal­ly Sue Eleft­her­akis, who has tak­en over their newslet­ter.  We have decid­ed that their newslet­ter will be focused on local vil­lage events and keep­ing every­one up to date on what dif­fer­ent vil­lage groups are offer­ing.  I would like to focus more on issues that con­cern Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage, Cum­maquid and the wider town.  Thanks to Sue for tak­ing this on.  If you have an event you would like to be in the BVA newslet­ter con­tact Sue.
Here is a link to the lat­est BVA Newslet­ter:

Office Hours:  I have restart­ed office hours at Stur­gis Library, the first Wednes­day of the month, 3:00–5:00.  Come by with you ques­tions and com­ments on any ideas or thoughts you’d like to dis­cuss.  My next date is: Sep­tem­ber 6th. 

Town Coun­cil Meet­ing:    The next Town Coun­cil Meet­ing is Sep­tem­ber 7th at 7:00.

Barn­sta­ble Tus­can Cui­sine:  So what is hap­pen­ing after the fire at the Old Barn­sta­ble Tav­ern site?  I have talked with a few peo­ple, but if you have more info, let me know.  The east or right hand side of the build­ing is up and run­ning, Booth Law is there and open as is the Salon 6A-Spa.  Cer­taPro Paint­ing is work­ing out of the bot­tom of the build­ing.  The west sec­tion had the most dam­age and the Barn­sta­ble Tus­can Cui­sine has been work­ing hard to get reopened.  Right now they are hop­ing for ear­ly Decem­ber.  Jit­ka and her Clean Green com­pa­ny have decid­ed to find a new loca­tion, and Joe Berlan­di has moved his law office across the street.  The Vil­lage missed the restau­rant this sum­mer and we hope the ren­o­va­tions go smooth­ly and quickly.

Air­port Noise:  Many res­i­dents have asked about the increased noise from the air­port.  There seem to have been an inor­di­nate amount of jet traf­fic this sum­mer, but the end is in sight.  The main rea­son has been that the North-South run­way: 6–24, has been closed for resur­fac­ing leav­ing only one run­way, the east-west 15–33, open.  Every 20–25 years the run­ways have to be ground down and resur­faced.  This job has been going on since March and it will be fin­ished by the end of Octo­ber.  This has left only one run­way open all sum­mer and one of the flight paths has been over Calves Pas­ture and the hill behind the old Coun­ty Jail (Maushop Ave).  The Hyan­nis Park neigh­bor­hood behind the Cape Cod Hos­pi­tal has also been affect­ed by this increased traf­fic and noise this sum­mer.  The end is in sight because the two Jet Blue flights a day to NYC will end Sept. 5th, and as sum­mer winds down there should be few­er pri­vate air­craft com­ing and going.  This run­way is all set for 20–25 years.  I was remind­ed that this run­way, east-west, was closed dur­ing the sum­mer of 2017 from March until Octo­ber, but we don’t remem­ber that because it was qui­et for us.

There are plans to length­en the take­off and land­ing areas of the east west run­way, but con­struc­tion would not begin before 2028 and there will be a series of pub­lic involve­ment meet­ings long before then.
There is more info about noise on the Air­port’s web­site  or con­tact: 
Security/Noise Abate­ment Coor­di­na­tor
Christi­na Louns­bury
508–775-2020 x106

Wil­low Street Clear­ing:  Some have asked about the clear­ing of these four acres and here is a clear answer from the CC Times: 

Storm prep: Eversource Energy clears land in Yarmouth for line trucks, crews

Denise Cof­fey
Cape Cod Times
 When anoth­er nor’east­er or major storm hits Cape Cod, Ever­source Ener­gy plans to have equip­ment and man­pow­er cen­tral­ized in a new stag­ing area on Wil­low Street.

The com­pa­ny is des­ig­nat­ing an approx­i­mate­ly 4‑acre emer­gency stag­ing lot for crews and equip­ment on their Yarmouth prop­er­ty, Ever­source spokesman Christo­pher McK­in­non said. It will sup­ple­ment exist­ing stag­ing area agree­ments they have with oth­er part­ners on Cape Cod.

“This new lot will give us the flex­i­bil­i­ty to stage approx­i­mate­ly 100 line trucks and oth­er equip­ment or to set up a tem­po­rary base camp where crews can eat, sleep, refu­el, and con­tin­ue their impor­tant restora­tion work,” McK­in­non wrote in an email to the Times.

Oak Street Trans­former Sta­tion
Ever­source is in the mid­dle of a Mid-Cape Reli­a­bil­i­ty Project.  This includes the addi­tion of anoth­er high ten­sion wire from the Cape Cod Canal to Oak Street.  The site on Oak Street will be devel­oped over the next few weeks to accom­mo­date this line.  Here is a way to link to the con­struc­tion time­line and the Project Web­site:

Bike Trail
Here is an arti­cle from WCAI about the new bike trail behind the Trayser Muse­un in the vil­lage:–08-27/hikes-we-like-bike-association-builds-boardwalk-to-improve-trail

Town Elec­tions: Here is a com­pre­hen­sive arti­cle I am pass­ing on from today’s Cape Cod Times about the upcom­ing elec­tions in Barn­sta­ble.  Barn­sta­ble Nov. 7 elec­tion: Who is already run­ning for town coun­cil, school com­mit­tee?Susan Vaughn
Spe­cial to Cape Cod Times

Four incum­bent Barn­sta­ble town coun­cilors and two new can­di­dates have been cer­ti­fied as can­di­dates to be in the Nov. 7 town elec­tion, Town Clerk Ann Quirk said. They received the required 50 sig­na­tures to be cer­ti­fied as of Monday.None of those who took out nom­i­na­tion papers to run for the School Com­mit­tee and the Hous­ing Author­i­ty have been cer­ti­fied yet, Quirk said in an email. Those two boards require 150 sig­na­tures to be cer­ti­fied. All sig­na­tures for cer­ti­fi­ca­tion are due on Sept. 15 for all three boards.Twenty-one res­i­dents have tak­en nom­i­na­tion papers for 13 town coun­cil seats, and eight seats are being con­test­ed. The four cer­ti­fied incum­bent town coun­cilors are Gor­don Starr, precinct 1; Bet­ty Ludtke, precinct 3; Kris Clark, precinct 11; and Paula Schnepp, precinct 12. Craig Tamash also has been cer­ti­fied to run against incum­bent Niko­las Atsalis in precinct 4. Feli­cia Penn has been cer­ti­fied for the precinct 13 seat cur­rent­ly held by Jen­nifer Cul­lum, who has tak­en out papers for the School Committee.Cullum and long­time Precinct 7 Coun­cilor Jes­si­ca Rapp Gras­set­ti have termed out of their posi­tions after 12 years, Gras­set­ti said Monday.“I’ve enjoyed my time and the great peo­ple. All in all I think it was good,” Gras­set­ti said, adding that she feels it is also good to have challengers.The even-num­bered precinct can­di­dates run for two years dur­ing the first two years of an elec­tion cycle after the lat­est cen­sus (2020) and the odd-num­bered precinct can­di­dates run for four years. In the next elec­tion in two years, the even-num­bered can­di­dates can then run for four years.The town coun­cil chal­lengers who have tak­en out papers, but have not been cer­ti­fied include: Frank Fred­er­ick­son against Starr, precinct 1; John Crow against incum­bent Paul Cusack in precinct 5; Seth Bur­dick and Wendy Solomon, precinct 7, cur­rent­ly held by Gras­set­ti; Louis Parke against Jef­frey Mendes, precinct 8; Char­lie Bloom against Tra­cy Shaugh­nessy, precinct 9; Toby Leary against Clark, precinct 11; and Kyle Cond­in­ho against Schnepp, precinct 12. Three incum­bent coun­cilors who are not being con­test­ed so far are Eric Stein­hilber, precinct 2; Paul Neary, precinct 6; and coun­cil pres­i­dent Matthew Levesque, precinct 10.Five peo­ple have tak­en out nom­i­na­tion papers for the School Com­mit­tee and not been cer­ti­fied. They are incum­bents Michael Judge and Kath­leen Bent as well as Cul­lum, Chan­da Beaty, Louis Parke. None have been cer­ti­fied and Joe Nys­trom, the third com­mit­tee incum­bent up for re-elec­tion, has not tak­en out papers.Three can­di­dates for the Hous­ing Author­i­ty have tak­en out papers, but not been cer­ti­fied. They are incum­bent Deb­o­rah Con­verse, and Ronald Beaty and Louis Parke.

2022 Is Winding Down, But…The Days Are Getting Longer

Gordon Starr
Precinct 1
Town Councilor

Decem­ber 28, 2022

At this time of year, I always enjoy say­ing, “See you next year.“
I hope to see you many of you at the Annu­al Barn­sta­ble Har­bor New Year’s Day Splash, on Sun­day the 1st of the year.  Bring your bathing suit and then join us at the Dol­phin.  There will be music, raf­fles, and many vil­lage friends to begin the new year with.  The funds raised will go to fam­i­lies in need in Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage.  I want us all to rec­og­nize the efforts of Dan Phi­los-Jensen for tak­ing over and orga­niz­ing this fun and worth­while vil­lage event. He has put in many hours and he is a role mod­el for all of us.
There is also a series of First Day HIkes, orga­nized by the Barn­sta­ble Land Trust.
I hope you are all stay­ing warm and if I don’t see you this week, See you next year.

Stand Outs & Media Events

As the ear­li­er post indi­cates, Gor­don Starr Precinct 1 Town Coun­cil Can­di­date is on the move. As well as Stand Outs & Media Events, Gor­don is knock­ing on doors across Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage, Cen­ter­ville, and Hyan­nis’ “Vil­lage Green” and ask­ing the ques­tion “do you know who is your town councilor?”

Gordon Starr with Vote Button on a backgroudn of Barnstable Harbor satellite image

Stand Outs

We need lots of people!

It is crunch time for the Barn­sta­ble Town Coun­cil elec­tion on Novem­ber 5.  And we need your help hold­ing signs from 7:30–9:00am and 3:30–5:00pm on elec­tion day. 

Please con­tact Cyn­thia Cole at Text or call her at 508.280.8979.

Please give us an hour or two of your time! 

BTW, for those not sure, stand outs are when you stand on the cor­ner, or at a poll hold­ing a Vote for Gor­don Starr Town Coun­cil sign. It’s fun. You get to wave a lot and peo­ple smile back at you. Some­times they even honk their horns! 

Media Events

Newradio 95 WXTK Logo:  Stand Outs & Media Events

Sun­day, Novem­ber 3rd @ 12pm – 1pm

First, tune in to hear Precinct 1 Town Coun­cil chal­lenger Gor­don Starr con­verse with incum­bent John Flo­res on FM 95.1 News­ra­dio WXTK host­ed by Patrick Desmarais.

Next, call in and engage in the debate between these two town coun­cil can­di­dates. The num­ber to call is 508–775-9985.

More Ways to Support Gordon Starr

Vis­it our Sup­port Gor­don Starr page, or to learn about more upcom­ing Stand Outs & Media Events sign up for Gor­don’s newsletter. 

Keeping Up With Gordon

It’s not easy keep­ing up with Gor­don. He’s all over town!

Knock­ing on doors, town meet­ings, and now, radio shows, he is on the move. His signs are show­ing up all over the precinct as he reach­es out to vot­ers across Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage, Hyan­nis, and Centerville.

Elect Gordon Starr sign on a neighbor's lawn with a handsome cream colored retriever sitting next to it.  Keeping Up With Gordon is not for the feint of heart.

As busy as Gor­don is, so are his sup­port­ers. Click the links below to read Let­ters to the Edi­tor sup­port­ing his can­di­da­cy and pub­lished by the Cape Cod Times this past week.

Asso­ci­a­tion to Pre­serve Cape Cod’s Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Andrew Got­tlieb had this to say in his “What I’m think­ing” newsletter…

If you start at the local lev­el, and let’s face it that most of the action on mit­i­ga­tion and adap­ta­tion are going to hap­pen as local gov­ern­ment projects, your vote real­ly counts. I was elect­ed a select­man by 6 votes. In local scale elec­tions, sin­gle votes mat­ter and can­di­dates know it. So, don’t waste your pow­er. Put peo­ple in office at the local lev­el who take the sci­ence seri­ous­ly and under­stand the urgency.

… Don’t think for a minute that who you elect local­ly doesn’t mat­ter. Even if your local select per­son doesn’t move up the polit­i­cal food chain, they will be decid­ing what your town does or doesn’t accom­plish on cli­mate and water qual­i­ty. Barn­sta­ble vot­ers, you have an elec­tion soon, so it is not too late to flex your envi­ron­men­tal mus­cles.

Gor­don cares about Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage. He is look­ing for­ward on all issues impact­ing our vil­lage and our town. Vis­it About Gor­don and learn why he should be our next Precinct 1 town councilor.

Endorsed by Senator Ed Markey

Yes­ter­day, Gor­don Starr Barn­sta­ble Town Coun­cil Can­di­date Precinct 1 was endorsed by U.S. Sen­a­tor Ed Markey at Nir­vana Cof­fee Shop in Barn­sta­ble Village. 

“We need lead­ers at the local lev­el to influ­ence poli­cies that are going to help us to avoid the worst and most cat­a­stroph­ic con­se­quences of cli­mate change, we need to think glob­al­ly but need to act locally. ”

U.S. Sen­a­tor Ed Markey

Endorsed by Senator Ed Markey

Here’s the Cape Cod Times article:

Markey Makes Unusu­al Endorse­ment on Cape Cod Visit

The Cape Cod Times arti­cle notes that the town coun­cil elec­tion is not a par­ti­san race. Gor­don is reg­is­tered as “un-enrolled” nev­er­the­less, Gor­don’s strong record of sup­port­ing the envi­ron­ment caught Sen­a­tor Markey’s atten­tion for an endorsement.

Markey was on the Cape to attend the Net Zero Con­fer­ence being held at Cape Cod Resort and Con­fer­ence Cen­ter in Hyannis.

Gordon has lived in Barnstable Village for over 40 years

Gor­don knows Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage. He val­ues its tra­di­tions and respects its char­ac­ter. Gor­don under­stands what is impor­tant to the vil­lagers. He is a great lis­ten­er and wants to hear what mat­ters to you!

Vis­it About Gor­don to learn more about Gor­don’s sto­ry. Aside from being endorsed by Sen­a­tor Ed Markey, Gor­don has cur­ried favor with towns­peo­ple across the vil­lage, as indi­cat­ed by the many lawn signs lin­ing route 6A.

Cape Cod Climate Task Force

Here’s a pro­pos­al for some big pic­ture think­ing. Can we come togeth­er to cre­ate a Cape Cod cli­mate task force, using com­mon sense and good­will to cre­ate a blue­print, a com­pact, to guide and unite us all in this new era?

Picture of the flooding tide in Barnstable Harbor : Cape Cod Climate Task Force

As my bio states, I am the “envi­ron­men­tal guy”. Click here to learn more about my sto­ry, my inter­ests, and why I believe that I can help to make Barn­sta­ble resilient in the face of cli­mate evolution.

And for those of you for whom the link does­n’t work, here’s the copy from Mimi McConnel­l’s Cape Cod Times Edi­to­r­i­al of Sept. 11, 2019.

Hats off to Well­fleet and its neigh­bors for their enlight­ened approach in explor­ing non­tra­di­tion­al meth­ods to reduce waste­water pol­lu­tion in Well­fleet Har­bor (“Well­fleet weighs mul­ti­fac­eted water­shed cleanup approach,” Aug. 26, Page 1).

This augurs well for the rest of Cape Cod if we can open our minds to exam­in­ing and then adopt­ing new solu­tions proven else­where in our coun­try but also in oth­er nations – whether it be to address water qual­i­ty or oth­er issues. Too often we turn to “horse and bug­gy” fix­es in today’s world of reli­able alter­na­tives and new technologies.

But this brings up the larg­er ques­tion fac­ing this penin­su­la: What are we doing now, today, in con­cert, to pre­pare for the esca­lat­ing impacts of glob­al cli­mate change? We do not have the 10- to 12-year peri­od we hear tout­ed; the changes are cas­cad­ing now, affect­ing weath­er, the econ­o­my, ris­ing seas, the bal­ance of nature and ulti­mate­ly our way of life right here.

Can we come togeth­er to cre­ate a Cape Cod cli­mate task force, using com­mon sense and good­will to cre­ate a blue­print, a com­pact, to guide and unite us all in this new era?

This would obvi­ous­ly require leg­is­la­tion, cre­at­ed by the peo­ple of Cape Cod after inten­sive input from all ele­ments of our pop­u­la­tion. We are blessed with world-class sci­en­tists right here in Woods Hole; we have pro­gres­sive busi­ness lead­er­ship; we have coura­geous envi­ron­men­tal and groups; we have enlight­ened polit­i­cal lead­ers; we have an informed but unor­ga­nized pub­lic open to new ideas – yet there is no cohe­sive or unit­ed effort yet to address the biggest chal­lenge of our time.

This is not a pro­pos­al for a feel-good study group but rather a con­ven­ing of knowl­edge­able and deter­mined Cape Cod­ders. Care in form­ing this task force would be imper­a­tive to ensure bal­ance, fair­ness and doa­bil­i­ty. Fund­ing for staff and logis­tics would be need­ed and could come from finan­cial and real estate enti­ties (whose futures are cen­tral to this effort). Might our Cape Cod Cham­ber of Com­merce take the lead in form­ing this task force, using great care to be inclu­sive, bal­anced and prac­ti­cal, with a dead­line of, say, 18 months?

Yes, this is com­pli­cat­ed, and indeed daunt­ing; but I have faith that we on Cape Cod will find com­mon ground at this extra­or­di­nary time of awak­en­ing to this local yet inter­na­tion­al chal­lenge to the plan­et entrust­ed to us. It will require inge­nu­ity, integri­ty and wis­dom to play our part in the future of our glob­al vil­lage. Let’s make it happen!

What’s Happening…

Dear Vot­ers,

As a town coun­cilor, I will com­mu­ni­cate & engage reg­u­lar­ly with Precinct 1 con­stituents to keep them up to date on “What’s Hap­pen­ing”. It is one of the most impor­tant roles of a town coun­cilor to engage the peo­ple in their district.

This is the first install­ment of week­ly updates on vil­lage and town issues. 

The town coun­cil vot­ed to approve CPC (Com­mu­ni­ty Preser­va­tion Com­mit­tee) fund­ing for “improve­ments” to The Hol­low. I hope you can come to the next Hol­low meet­ing at the Uni­tar­i­an Church this Wednes­day (see below for more information).

On August 20th, Dan San­tos, head of DPW, spoke at the old Jail about the Streetscape, the Hol­low and Maraspin Creek. There is a nice syn­op­sis of the meet­ing on the Friends of Barn­sta­ble Har­bor Web­site.

I am devel­op­ing a plan for “face to face” meet­ings for the Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage Streetscape Project. As the project pro­gress­es, I believe it will be impor­tant to have a forum to voice our con­cerns about the project. These con­cerns will be shared with the Town of Barn­sta­ble.  And please, feel free to update me on any con­cerns you may have about the BV Streetscape Project ongoing. 

Look for­ward to see­ing you at these impor­tant meet­ings and hear­ing your con­cerns regard­ing the Streetscape Project. And thank you all for being inter­est­ed in our vil­lage be sure to check in reg­u­lar­ly to learn “What’s Happening”!



P. S. Thanks to Ann Canedy for these links.


Precinct 1 Town Coun­cilor John Flo­res will be host­ing a meet­ing for local cit­i­zen­ry input with mem­bers of the DPW depart­ment and CPC regard­ing the ren­o­va­tion of the Hol­low Field on Wednes­day , Sep­tem­ber 4, 2019 at 6pm. The meet­ing will be held at the Uni­tar­i­an Church War­ren Hall next to the Hol­low Field.

John Flo­res will put togeth­er a sub com­mit­tee to talk about improve­ments at the Hol­low.  If you would like to join, con­tact him at:

Barnstable Village Streetscape Project

Construction worker at the Barnstable Village Streetscape Project


The Town of Barn­sta­ble Dept. of Pub­lic Works wants you to be updat­ed in a time­ly, accu­rate, infor­ma­tive way regard­ing the upcom­ing streetscape project.  If you want to receive reg­u­lar updates direct­ly from DPW, sub­mit your email address to :

2019 One Cape Summit

Kris Clark (left) & Gordon Starr (right) at the One Cape Summit
Barn­sta­ble & West Barn­sta­ble Town Coun­cil Can­di­dates Gor­don Starr & Kris Clark at the 2019 One Cape Summit

I spent Mon­day and Tues­day at the Cape Cod Com­mis­sion’s 2019 One Cape Sum­mit. Work­shops addressed cli­mate change through adap­ta­tion and mit­i­ga­tion. Also fan­tas­tic dis­cus­sions about the issues con­cern­ing year-round hous­ing on the Cape.

Picture of the patio of the Wequasset Resort where the 2019 One Cape Summit was held.
2019 One Cape Sum­mit: Wequas­set Resort patio over­look­ing Pleas­ant Bay 

This year’s One Cape Sum­mit focused on Envi­ron­ment and Econ­o­my. Day #1 fea­tured speak­ers on envi­ron­men­tal con­cerns. Eric Fish­er, CBS Boston’s WBZ-TV’s chief mete­o­rol­o­gist recount­ed not only the con­di­tions lead­ing up to the pre­vi­ous week’s tor­na­does, but also stat­ed that July 2019 was the hottest July on record for Boston. In fact, the Wash­ing­ton Post reports that June was the 414th con­sec­u­tive month with above-aver­age glob­al temperatures.

The One Cape Sum­mit Day #2 agen­da includ­ed pre­sen­ta­tions on town plan­ning tools. These tools inte­grate design, eco­nom­ics and pub­lic input to devel­op strate­gies for improv­ing qual­i­ty of life while increas­ing liv­ing space den­si­ty. Town of Barn­sta­ble plan­ners are look­ing to the future to ensure that afford­able work­force hous­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties are created.

Final­ly, a pre­sen­ta­tion by the US Cen­sus Bureau empha­sized the need for our par­tic­i­pa­tion in the 2020 cen­sus. The impor­tance of keep­ing respon­dent data strict­ly con­fi­den­tial was both empha­sized and reit­er­at­ed. And, the US Cen­sus Bureau is offer­ing cen­sus tak­ers jobs at $19/hour. Here’s a link to see if you qual­i­fy 2020 US Cen­sus Job Oppor­tu­ni­ties.