Stand Outs & Media Events

As the ear­li­er post indi­cates, Gor­don Starr Precinct 1 Town Coun­cil Can­di­date is on the move. As well as Stand Outs & Media Events, Gor­don is knock­ing on doors across Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage, Cen­ter­ville, and Hyan­nis’ “Vil­lage Green” and ask­ing the ques­tion “do you know who is your town councilor?”

Gordon Starr with Vote Button on a backgroudn of Barnstable Harbor satellite image

Stand Outs

We need lots of people!

It is crunch time for the Barn­sta­ble Town Coun­cil elec­tion on Novem­ber 5.  And we need your help hold­ing signs from 7:30–9:00am and 3:30–5:00pm on elec­tion day. 

Please con­tact Cyn­thia Cole at Text or call her at 508.280.8979.

Please give us an hour or two of your time! 

BTW, for those not sure, stand outs are when you stand on the cor­ner, or at a poll hold­ing a Vote for Gor­don Starr Town Coun­cil sign. It’s fun. You get to wave a lot and peo­ple smile back at you. Some­times they even honk their horns! 

Media Events

Newradio 95 WXTK Logo:  Stand Outs & Media Events

Sun­day, Novem­ber 3rd @ 12pm – 1pm

First, tune in to hear Precinct 1 Town Coun­cil chal­lenger Gor­don Starr con­verse with incum­bent John Flo­res on FM 95.1 News­ra­dio WXTK host­ed by Patrick Desmarais.

Next, call in and engage in the debate between these two town coun­cil can­di­dates. The num­ber to call is 508–775-9985.

More Ways to Support Gordon Starr

Vis­it our Sup­port Gor­don Starr page, or to learn about more upcom­ing Stand Outs & Media Events sign up for Gor­don’s newsletter. 

Keeping Up With Gordon

It’s not easy keep­ing up with Gor­don. He’s all over town!

Knock­ing on doors, town meet­ings, and now, radio shows, he is on the move. His signs are show­ing up all over the precinct as he reach­es out to vot­ers across Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage, Hyan­nis, and Centerville.

Elect Gordon Starr sign on a neighbor's lawn with a handsome cream colored retriever sitting next to it.  Keeping Up With Gordon is not for the feint of heart.

As busy as Gor­don is, so are his sup­port­ers. Click the links below to read Let­ters to the Edi­tor sup­port­ing his can­di­da­cy and pub­lished by the Cape Cod Times this past week.

Asso­ci­a­tion to Pre­serve Cape Cod’s Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Andrew Got­tlieb had this to say in his “What I’m think­ing” newsletter…

If you start at the local lev­el, and let’s face it that most of the action on mit­i­ga­tion and adap­ta­tion are going to hap­pen as local gov­ern­ment projects, your vote real­ly counts. I was elect­ed a select­man by 6 votes. In local scale elec­tions, sin­gle votes mat­ter and can­di­dates know it. So, don’t waste your pow­er. Put peo­ple in office at the local lev­el who take the sci­ence seri­ous­ly and under­stand the urgency.

… Don’t think for a minute that who you elect local­ly doesn’t mat­ter. Even if your local select per­son doesn’t move up the polit­i­cal food chain, they will be decid­ing what your town does or doesn’t accom­plish on cli­mate and water qual­i­ty. Barn­sta­ble vot­ers, you have an elec­tion soon, so it is not too late to flex your envi­ron­men­tal mus­cles.

Gor­don cares about Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage. He is look­ing for­ward on all issues impact­ing our vil­lage and our town. Vis­it About Gor­don and learn why he should be our next Precinct 1 town councilor.