Newsletter: July 24 2023

Fourth of July Parade:  It seems like weeks ago, but thanks to every­one who helped out with the Vil­lage Parade.  And thanks to those who par­tic­i­pat­ed and watched.  We were lucky to get our parade in between the rain.  And Thanks to Kate Arm­strong for this photo.

Office Hours:  I am restart­ing office hours at Stur­gis Library, the first Wednes­day of the month, 3:00–5:00.  Come by with you ques­tions and com­ments on any ideas or thoughts you have.

Town Coun­cil Meet­ing:  Thurs­day the 20th the Town Coun­cil meet­ing last­ed from 6:00 to 11:20.  The room was packed as there was a pol­i­cy change pro­posed that would have changed the lev­el of vote need­ed to approve zon­ing changes for hous­ing in a Reg­u­la­to­ry Agree­ment area.  The effort was to bring the town’s vot­ing into align­ment with the State Hous­ing Choice pol­i­cy.  Instead of a 2/3 vote to approve a reg­u­la­to­ry agree­ment, it would have been low­ered to a major­i­ty vote.  Many res­i­dents came to show their dis­like of the change.  In the end, the Coun­cil vot­ed to with­draw the item.  This change was not man­dat­ed by the State and I did not see any rea­son to change our lev­el of vot­ing.  If a project can­not con­vince 2/3 of the Coun­cil, then maybe it needs to be be redesigned.  As in a sim­i­lar case in Fal­mouth, the devel­op­er may come back with a 40B pro­pos­al, which is a State pro­gram where a devel­op­ere­can include 25% afford­able hous­ing and bypass most town review and zon­ing reg­u­la­tions.  Stay tuned.  The next Town Coun­cil Meet­ing is August 17th.
Sur­vey­ing:  You may have also noticed two sur­vey crews work­ing on 6A west of the Vil­lage. They are doing pre­lim­i­nary work for design of new side­walks. The hope is to keep DOT mov­ing for­ward and to sur­vey, design and per­mit this sec­tion of State road so it is shov­el-ready for con­struc­tion when funds are avail­able. Hav­ing had con­ver­sa­tions with the work­ers, they have to mark every tree and obsta­cle 25′ from the cen­ter line and they still have a lot of work to do.  They have also assured me that the pink spray paint they are using is not per­ma­nent.  
Sew­er work:  The work by Robt. B. Our con­tin­ues on the pump sta­tion at the Old Barn­sta­ble House.  There have been a few work delays wait­ing for parts to be deliv­ered, but work is now pro­ceed­ing. The Freez­er Road Pump sta­tion at the har­bor is also begin­ning a com­plete over­haul due to age.  The first step is to dig a hole in the park­ing lot to install bypass pumps. This is nec­es­sary so the sta­tion build­ing can be shut down as there is a lot of elec­tri­cal work that has to be done inside the build­ing. The tim­ing is not great, but con­trac­tor sched­ules are not always flex­i­ble.
Har­ris Mead­ows Pedes­tri­an Cross­ing:  Last newslet­ter, the curbs were rebuilt and the road was wired for new signs. The flash­ing bea­cons are on order, but they are at least a month out.

Wilkens Lane Hous­ing:  The Fire Depart­ment has been doing inspec­tions and walk-throughs dur­ing con­struc­tion and the water has been turned on in build­ing #1.  As for oth­er build­ings on adja­cent land, there have been no offi­cial fil­ings or inquiries that I am aware of.


1841 Phinney’s Lane
P.O. Box 546
Barn­sta­ble, Mass­a­chu­setts 02630
Phone: 508–362-6498
Fax: 508–362-9616

The Barn­sta­ble Fire Dis­trict Water Depart­ment is plan­ning to replace
a Fire Hydrant near 3667 Main Street. To safe­ly per­form this work,
we need to shut off the water main from Com­merce Road to Mary
Dunn Way. This will affect res­i­dents off Main Street includ­ing
Coun­ty Farm Road, Cap­tain Murphy’s Way, and Adri­an Way. This
work is sched­uled for August 2 nd or 3 rd . The Dis­trict is call­ing all the
res­i­dents that will be affect­ed by this shut down. The shut­down
should last 6–8 hours from 9 am to 5 pm. Please call the Water
Depart­ment if you have any ques­tions or con­cerns. Thank you.

This is a new Bridge on the Trayser Trail, behind the Coast Guard Muse­um and the Black­smith Shop.  This bridge spans a sen­si­tive wet­land area and it has been a long-time dream for Doug Payson.  With the help of many peo­ple and groups includ­ing, the New Eng­land Moun­tain Bik­ing Asso­ci­a­tion, the town’s Land Acqui­si­tion and Preser­va­tion Com­mit­tee and the Town of Barn­sta­ble.  Thanks to all.

Newsletter: June 5 2023

Wow, Sat­ur­day was some cold.  The wind blow­ing out of the north, no sun, who would have pre­dict­ed that, espe­cial­ly with the ocean tem­per­a­ture in the mid 50’s.  I vis­it­ed the EV Expo at the Trans­porta­tion Cen­ter and it was wicked cold.  I did get to ride an elec­tric assist bike for the first time and enjoyed it.


Just before I was to send this out, the Town got word that a crew will be mak­ing some side­walk repairs along 6A next week.  The work will take place between 6/7 and 6/13. Three small sec­tions will be improved.  The address­es are 2110 Main Street, 2390 Main Street, and 2875–2895 Main Street.  These may seem like minor work, but it is progress and we are now on the  MA Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion: DOT, radar.  DOT is in the process of hir­ing a design­er for the whole side­walk project.

The oth­er news about the side­walks is that the DOT has con­tract­ed for elec­tron­ic cross­ing signs at Har­ris Mead­ows.  At the same time they are rework­ing the curb and then they will paint the road.  This has been a long time com­ing and I had to push to get them to do it before sum­mer as they were wor­ried about work­ing on 6A in June.  I assured them that the improved safe­ty of the cross­ing would out­weigh any incon­ve­nience for vil­lage res­i­dents and visitors.

You may have noticed the repaving on Hyan­nis Road.  This was nec­es­sary as the Town DPW did so much drainage work along this sec­tion that they decid­ed to repave from 6A south to the rail­road tracks. There is no more planned work here for now.. The rest of Hyan­nis Road and Phin­ney’s Lane still keeps us all awake, but it is minor com­pared the sec­tion of Phin­ney’s Lane south of Route 132.  Con­struc­tion fatigue is a real thing in the active sew­er­ing areas.

Stay in Touch.

Stand Outs & Media Events

As the ear­li­er post indi­cates, Gor­don Starr Precinct 1 Town Coun­cil Can­di­date is on the move. As well as Stand Outs & Media Events, Gor­don is knock­ing on doors across Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage, Cen­ter­ville, and Hyan­nis’ “Vil­lage Green” and ask­ing the ques­tion “do you know who is your town councilor?”

Gordon Starr with Vote Button on a backgroudn of Barnstable Harbor satellite image

Stand Outs

We need lots of people!

It is crunch time for the Barn­sta­ble Town Coun­cil elec­tion on Novem­ber 5.  And we need your help hold­ing signs from 7:30–9:00am and 3:30–5:00pm on elec­tion day. 

Please con­tact Cyn­thia Cole at Text or call her at 508.280.8979.

Please give us an hour or two of your time! 

BTW, for those not sure, stand outs are when you stand on the cor­ner, or at a poll hold­ing a Vote for Gor­don Starr Town Coun­cil sign. It’s fun. You get to wave a lot and peo­ple smile back at you. Some­times they even honk their horns! 

Media Events

Newradio 95 WXTK Logo:  Stand Outs & Media Events

Sun­day, Novem­ber 3rd @ 12pm – 1pm

First, tune in to hear Precinct 1 Town Coun­cil chal­lenger Gor­don Starr con­verse with incum­bent John Flo­res on FM 95.1 News­ra­dio WXTK host­ed by Patrick Desmarais.

Next, call in and engage in the debate between these two town coun­cil can­di­dates. The num­ber to call is 508–775-9985.

More Ways to Support Gordon Starr

Vis­it our Sup­port Gor­don Starr page, or to learn about more upcom­ing Stand Outs & Media Events sign up for Gor­don’s newsletter. 

What’s Happening…

Dear Vot­ers,

As a town coun­cilor, I will com­mu­ni­cate & engage reg­u­lar­ly with Precinct 1 con­stituents to keep them up to date on “What’s Hap­pen­ing”. It is one of the most impor­tant roles of a town coun­cilor to engage the peo­ple in their district.

This is the first install­ment of week­ly updates on vil­lage and town issues. 

The town coun­cil vot­ed to approve CPC (Com­mu­ni­ty Preser­va­tion Com­mit­tee) fund­ing for “improve­ments” to The Hol­low. I hope you can come to the next Hol­low meet­ing at the Uni­tar­i­an Church this Wednes­day (see below for more information).

On August 20th, Dan San­tos, head of DPW, spoke at the old Jail about the Streetscape, the Hol­low and Maraspin Creek. There is a nice syn­op­sis of the meet­ing on the Friends of Barn­sta­ble Har­bor Web­site.

I am devel­op­ing a plan for “face to face” meet­ings for the Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage Streetscape Project. As the project pro­gress­es, I believe it will be impor­tant to have a forum to voice our con­cerns about the project. These con­cerns will be shared with the Town of Barn­sta­ble.  And please, feel free to update me on any con­cerns you may have about the BV Streetscape Project ongoing. 

Look for­ward to see­ing you at these impor­tant meet­ings and hear­ing your con­cerns regard­ing the Streetscape Project. And thank you all for being inter­est­ed in our vil­lage be sure to check in reg­u­lar­ly to learn “What’s Happening”!



P. S. Thanks to Ann Canedy for these links.


Precinct 1 Town Coun­cilor John Flo­res will be host­ing a meet­ing for local cit­i­zen­ry input with mem­bers of the DPW depart­ment and CPC regard­ing the ren­o­va­tion of the Hol­low Field on Wednes­day , Sep­tem­ber 4, 2019 at 6pm. The meet­ing will be held at the Uni­tar­i­an Church War­ren Hall next to the Hol­low Field.

John Flo­res will put togeth­er a sub com­mit­tee to talk about improve­ments at the Hol­low.  If you would like to join, con­tact him at:

Barnstable Village Streetscape Project

Construction worker at the Barnstable Village Streetscape Project


The Town of Barn­sta­ble Dept. of Pub­lic Works wants you to be updat­ed in a time­ly, accu­rate, infor­ma­tive way regard­ing the upcom­ing streetscape project.  If you want to receive reg­u­lar updates direct­ly from DPW, sub­mit your email address to :

2019 One Cape Summit

Kris Clark (left) & Gordon Starr (right) at the One Cape Summit
Barn­sta­ble & West Barn­sta­ble Town Coun­cil Can­di­dates Gor­don Starr & Kris Clark at the 2019 One Cape Summit

I spent Mon­day and Tues­day at the Cape Cod Com­mis­sion’s 2019 One Cape Sum­mit. Work­shops addressed cli­mate change through adap­ta­tion and mit­i­ga­tion. Also fan­tas­tic dis­cus­sions about the issues con­cern­ing year-round hous­ing on the Cape.

Picture of the patio of the Wequasset Resort where the 2019 One Cape Summit was held.
2019 One Cape Sum­mit: Wequas­set Resort patio over­look­ing Pleas­ant Bay 

This year’s One Cape Sum­mit focused on Envi­ron­ment and Econ­o­my. Day #1 fea­tured speak­ers on envi­ron­men­tal con­cerns. Eric Fish­er, CBS Boston’s WBZ-TV’s chief mete­o­rol­o­gist recount­ed not only the con­di­tions lead­ing up to the pre­vi­ous week’s tor­na­does, but also stat­ed that July 2019 was the hottest July on record for Boston. In fact, the Wash­ing­ton Post reports that June was the 414th con­sec­u­tive month with above-aver­age glob­al temperatures.

The One Cape Sum­mit Day #2 agen­da includ­ed pre­sen­ta­tions on town plan­ning tools. These tools inte­grate design, eco­nom­ics and pub­lic input to devel­op strate­gies for improv­ing qual­i­ty of life while increas­ing liv­ing space den­si­ty. Town of Barn­sta­ble plan­ners are look­ing to the future to ensure that afford­able work­force hous­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties are created.

Final­ly, a pre­sen­ta­tion by the US Cen­sus Bureau empha­sized the need for our par­tic­i­pa­tion in the 2020 cen­sus. The impor­tance of keep­ing respon­dent data strict­ly con­fi­den­tial was both empha­sized and reit­er­at­ed. And, the US Cen­sus Bureau is offer­ing cen­sus tak­ers jobs at $19/hour. Here’s a link to see if you qual­i­fy 2020 US Cen­sus Job Oppor­tu­ni­ties.