Gordon believes that communication with the villagers is the number one job of a town councilor

This past Thursday evening, Gordon Starr called a meeting to at the Sturgis Library where Town of Barnstable architect Mark Marinaccio presented the plans for “improving” The Hollow”. The town’s Community Preservation Committee has slated a $162,000 commitment to this “open space” project. The town council will vote on appropriating these funds at Thursday’s (8/15/19) town council meeting.
The more than thirty attendees were concerned about the plans. After much discussion and the overwhelming sentiment that “The Hollow isn’t broken, so please don’t fix it”, attendees largely agreed that improvements to the turf, updating of the ball field materials, and handicap access improvements would likely be good for The Hollow.
In Gordon’s words…
Thanks for coming out to listen and share your memories and visions for The Hollow.
I organized this meeting to assure that we learn about this project before it is finalized, and I think we have a sense of how to proceed. On Thursday, August 15th, the Town Council will have a hearing and a vote about approving funds to improve The Hollow.
My reading of our group is that there is general support for improvements, but it is imperative that we have a seat at the table as the plan is finalized. We support this appropriation with the understanding that the community will be involved in the developing of the final plan.
The Town Council meeting will start at 7pm at Town Hall. There are two chances to speak. There is a time early in the agenda for any citizen to speak during public comment time. … If you can not make it, you can go on the Town of Barnstable web site and email the Town Council.
Thanks again for your passion and willingness to step up.If you have any thoughts or questions, please email me at starrbarnstable@gmail.com
Gordon Starr