Newsletter: June 5 2023

Wow, Sat­ur­day was some cold.  The wind blow­ing out of the north, no sun, who would have pre­dict­ed that, espe­cial­ly with the ocean tem­per­a­ture in the mid 50’s.  I vis­it­ed the EV Expo at the Trans­porta­tion Cen­ter and it was wicked cold.  I did get to ride an elec­tric assist bike for the first time and enjoyed it.


Just before I was to send this out, the Town got word that a crew will be mak­ing some side­walk repairs along 6A next week.  The work will take place between 6/7 and 6/13. Three small sec­tions will be improved.  The address­es are 2110 Main Street, 2390 Main Street, and 2875–2895 Main Street.  These may seem like minor work, but it is progress and we are now on the  MA Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion: DOT, radar.  DOT is in the process of hir­ing a design­er for the whole side­walk project.

The oth­er news about the side­walks is that the DOT has con­tract­ed for elec­tron­ic cross­ing signs at Har­ris Mead­ows.  At the same time they are rework­ing the curb and then they will paint the road.  This has been a long time com­ing and I had to push to get them to do it before sum­mer as they were wor­ried about work­ing on 6A in June.  I assured them that the improved safe­ty of the cross­ing would out­weigh any incon­ve­nience for vil­lage res­i­dents and visitors.

You may have noticed the repaving on Hyan­nis Road.  This was nec­es­sary as the Town DPW did so much drainage work along this sec­tion that they decid­ed to repave from 6A south to the rail­road tracks. There is no more planned work here for now.. The rest of Hyan­nis Road and Phin­ney’s Lane still keeps us all awake, but it is minor com­pared the sec­tion of Phin­ney’s Lane south of Route 132.  Con­struc­tion fatigue is a real thing in the active sew­er­ing areas.

Stay in Touch.