Newsletter: April 21 2023

Earth Day….Once a Year?

I hope every­one is feel­ing well and enjoy­ing this spring.  I espe­cial­ly appre­ci­ate that there are no mos­qui­toes, at our house  …yet. 
There is a Town Coun­cil meet­ing next Thurs­day April 27th start­ing at 6:00.  Most items will be relat­ed to the Cap­i­tal Improve­ment Pro­gram (CIP) so look at the agen­da and watch. You may join in at any meet­ing through Zoom or in per­son to talk about any top­ic you are pas­sion­ate about, for three min­utes.  This par­tic­i­pa­tion is high­ly encouraged.
Earth Day
There are many ways to par­tic­i­pate in Earth Day.  Join a group for a clean-up, do your own clean-up or find your own way to con­nect to the liv­ing earth that sup­ports and nour­ish­es us.  We must respect and preserve(ever day) that which keeps all life alive and thriving.