Barnstable Village Association Community Meeting
Last Tuesday night about 30 residents of Cummaquid and Barnstable Village met at St.Mary’s Church. We had a lively, and informative discussion about all sorts of topics. I recommend you come join in for the next community discussion with your ideas, comments and questions. I will do my best to summarize the highlights.
# Annual Board of Director elections
# Fire Chief, Chris Beale
# Precinct 1 Updates from Town Counselor Gordon Starr
# Introduction of the new Water Department Superintendent, Sean Anderson, and update of the PFAS water filtration plant design and construct process.
# Cynthis Cole @ Composting food waste
Water District:
I have to start with the last item, as some might not read to the end and this is important. Sean Anderson is the new Superintendent at the Barnstable Water District. Sean came to us from The Scituate Water Department and he lives with his family in Centerville. We all know that we need a new water filtration system to assure that the PFOs are removed from our water supply and the District has been designing this plant. Sean looked over the plans and thought that the filtration plant might be larger than it needed to be so he requested a peer review from an engineering firm. Basically they reported that the plant was over designed and that the job could be done with a smaller building.
Who ever gets to introduce yourself to the village and say, :“I am Sean, your new Water Superintendent, and am going to save you about 10 million dollars.“
Thank you Sean, Fantastic news.
There will be a special meeting of the Water District on March 22 where residents will decide whether or not to vote money for the plant redesign. (Spending money to save money)
Here is the meeting info and warrant:
Fire Chief:
Chris Beale, our new Fire Chief, introduced himself to the 2–3 people in the room who did not know him. He explained the 911 system and how those calls are routed. The plan in the future is to develop a county regional dispatch center.
Chris also mentioned that his crew will help residents put in lock boxes on the side of their house. This box would be available for fire and rescue personnel during emergencies (wellness checks and 911 calls) so they can enter your house without having to break in.
Outdoor burning ends on May first.
Councilor Starr:
Blish Point Ramp: Last month the Town Council accepted a grant from the Mass. Department of Fish and Game: Division of Marine Fisheries in the amount of $25,000 for repairs to the ramp. These will take place early in the spring. The state owns the ramp, but the town maintains it. There are plans to rebuild the ramp in five years.
Scudders Lane Ramp: The Town DPW has held a number of meetings with stakeholders and they are working on the 90% design. As soon as this is done there will be another meeting to bring it to residents.
Commerce Road Sidewalks: The Town has hired engineers to survey, design and permit the sidewalk from George Street to Route 6A. The sidewalks will be done at the same time as the road is raised at the eastern end and the culvert widened. Raising the road is necessary to allow residents access during extremely high tides and storms. Doing these together is necessary, but it makes the whole project more expensive. By getting it up to the shovel-ready stage we can look to grants to make this happen.
6A Sidewalks: A crosswalk is being designed and the Department of Transportation(MA) hopes to have it installed prior to the shut down of construction work for the summer on Cape Cod. Also, I got this report in late January from DOT: “a project was approved for the installation of a sidewalk on Route 6A from Old Jail Lane to Route 132. The next step will be for the project to advance to preliminary design. Funding will also need to be identified and the project programmed for advertising. MassDOT will be reaching out to the Town, Cape Cod Commission and Old Kings Highway to coordinate as the project progresses.“
This does not mean it is a done deal. If you want to make a comment to the state, you can email:>
Barnstable Village Association:
The BVA voted in a strong Board of Directors, but that being said, there are many opportunities and needs for volunteers for the summer concerts, village clean-ups and the Fourth of July Parade. Think about joining in for an hour or two.
Check in and join this group as it ties us all together.
Food Waste:
Cynthia Cole talked about the importance of recycling food waste. It is a heavy component of household waste and therefore raises the cost of waste disposal. If it ends up in a landfill, it produces lots of methane gas. Ecologically it should be treated as a resource and reused in our gardens or dropped off at the Transfer Station so that it can be commercially composted. Cynthia gave out countertop composting bins that are available for free at the Transfer Station office. You can also leave your food waste at the Transfer Station and it is picked up by Watts Family Farm and composted.