Newsletter: June 17 2023

This rainy Sat­ur­day gives me a chance to put off out­door work and get this out to you.  And if you know me at all, I would rather be out­side.
6A  There has been a flur­ry of work on the side­walks along Route 6A. This seems to take up a lot of my time, but it is worth it.
The new cross­ing at Har­ris Mead­ows Rd. is most­ly done, with just the addi­tion of signs and elec­tri­cal con­nec­tions left to fin­ish.
The three small side­walk repairs have been fin­ished. One was to alle­vi­ate a sec­tion that col­lects rain water and the oth­er two were to address trip­ping haz­ards.  
You may have also noticed a sur­vey crew work­ing on the 2 miles of road west of the Vil­lage. They are doing pre­lim­i­nary work for design of new side­walks. The hope is to keep DOT mov­ing for­ward and to sur­vey, design and per­mit this sec­tion of State road so it is shov­el-ready for con­struc­tion when funds are avail­able.
Com­merce Rd.
At the Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage Water Dis­trict meet­ing this week our new water super­in­ten­dent, Sean Ander­son, shared that he has been able to hire the same surveying/design com­pa­ny the Town is using for Com­merce Road.  This town project includes widen­ing the cul­vert, rais­ing the road height, and build­ing side­walks from George Street to 6A. There are water pipes that need to be replaced under Com­merce Road, and they will need to be designed to span the cul­vert cross­ing at Marispan Creek. The syn­er­gy of using the same com­pa­ny as the town means we will able to pig­gy­back on the engi­neer­ing work they have already done, which is a cost sav­ings and, it makes com­mon sense.  

I attend­ed the Barn­sta­ble Water Dis­trict meet­ing and the Barn­sta­ble Fire Dis­trict Pru­den­tial com­mit­tee meet­ings this week. Dave Mason was vot­ed in as the new chair of the Water Dis­trict Com­mit­tee, con­grat­u­la­tions.  The redesign of the new water treat­ment plant is almost at 50% com­plete and the bids for con­struc­tion will go out in the ear­ly fall.  An inter­est­ing note is that we are able to keep the costs of chem­i­cals for water treat­ment down as we are part of a Coun­ty-wide bulk pur­chas­ing pro­gram.
The Fire Depart­ment land­scap­ing improve­ments will begin after July 4th.  Many of the plants are being donat­ed while most of the labor will be donat­ed by our fire fight­ers.  Thanks to Chief Beale and his crew.

On Wednes­day the 14th, I was able to join many in the com­mu­ni­ty as we cel­e­brat­ed Aman­da Con­verse on her well-deserved recog­ni­tion as the recip­i­ent of the 22nd Annu­al Mer­cy Otis War­ren Cape Cod Woman of the Year Award. The dis­tin­guished award cer­e­mo­ny, held at the his­toric 1717 Meet­ing­house in West Barn­sta­ble, was a tes­ta­ment to Aman­da’s out­stand­ing achieve­ments and con­tri­bu­tions to the Cape Cod com­mu­ni­ty. To learn more about the award, vis­it

At the Town Coun­cil meet­ing this week we passed the School Oper­at­ing Bud­get. Barn­sta­ble Land Trust was rec­og­nized for reach­ing the mile­stone of pro­tect­ing land in Barn­sta­ble for 40 years. Present were Jack­ie Bar­ton, the first Exec­u­tive Direc­tor and Janet Milk­man who present­ly heads BLT. Thanks to you both and the many oth­er res­i­dents who have worked so hard over the years.  The final vote was giv­en to accept Con­ser­va­tion Restric­tions on the last 3 parcels in the Brazel­ton prop­er­ty along Com­merce Road.  This cul­mi­nates over ten years of work between BLT and the Brazel­ton, Magrud­er and Low­ell fam­i­lies to pro­tect almost 40 acres of land.  Thanks to all involved for your effort and per­se­ver­ance.
Final­ly, on to some local events:

June 19th, Mon­day:  June­teenth

Mon­day June 19th is a State and Fed­er­al hol­i­day, and con­se­quen­tial­ly Town facil­i­ties and offices will be closed, includ­ing Town Hall and the Trans­fer Sta­tion.
“June­teenth is a day of pro­found impor­tance that cel­e­brates both the free­dom of African Amer­i­cans from enslave­ment and the begin­ning of the jour­ney to Equal­i­ty for all Amer­i­cans  It was pro­claimed a fed­er­al hol­i­day on 2021.  On June 19. 1865, state lev­el enforce­ment of the Eman­ci­pa­tion Procla­ma­tion (1863) final­ly reached the last state, Texas.”  (Zion Union Her­itage Muse­um)

June 19th is a hol­i­day and there­fore a legal shell­fish­ing day.  Good ear­ly morn­ing tides!

June 22nd, Thurs­day:   Sandy Neck Design Review Meet­ing

Review of Pre­lim­i­nary Designs for Sandy Neck Beach Facil­i­ty Coastal Resilien­cy Project
The Town of Barn­sta­ble invites inter­est­ed indi­vid­u­als to join us for an infor­ma­tion­al meet­ing to review an updat­ed con­cep­tu­al design for the Sandy Neck Beach Facil­i­ty Coastal Resilien­cy Project.

The infor­ma­tion­al ses­sion will be held:
IN-PERSON on Thurs­day, June 22, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Loca­tion: Har­borview Con­fer­ence Room, 3195 Main Street, Barn­sta­ble, MA 02630

For those unable to attend, the meet­ing will be record­ed and lat­er post­ed on Barn­sta­ble Chan­nel 18 at:, for any­one to view.
This meet­ing is a fol­low-up to the April 5, 2023 pre­sen­ta­tion, where con­cep­tu­al designs for long term
coastal resilien­cy at the Sandy Neck Pub­lic Beach Facil­i­ty were reviewed with the pub­lic. The April 5, 2023
meet­ing can be viewed at
If you have any ques­tions or wish to receive project updates, please con­tact Amber Unruh, Senior
Project Man­ag­er – Spe­cial Projects, at the Depart­ment of Pub­lic Works at 508–790-6400 or

June 21st, Wednes­day:  Barn­sta­ble Gate­way Air­port

Invites you to a Pub­lic Infor­ma­tion Meet­ing for the Cape Cod Gate­way Air­port Envi­ron­men­tal Review for Improve­ment Projects
Wednes­day, June 21, 2023

2:00 PM (vir­tu­al – Zoom) and 6:00 PM (in-per­son)
In-Per­son: Jim Crock­er Hear­ing Room, 2nd Floor, Barn­sta­ble Town Hall,

367 Main Street, Hyan­nis, MA 02601

The pur­pose of this pub­lic meet­ing is to pro­vide mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty with an
update on the Cape Cod Gate­way Air­port envi­ron­men­tal review process for air­port
improve­ment projects. The meet­ing will pro­vide an update of the ongo­ing and future
envi­ron­men­tal review phas­es of the 2022 Mas­ter Plan projects and allow atten­dees to offer
com­ments or ques­tions. To learn more about the project, review relat­ed mate­ri­als, or find
con­tact infor­ma­tion, please vis­it the project web­site at