Thanks to Ray and Pippa for their creative and entertaining addition to our village holiday lights.
Real Estate Taxes
A number of residents have reached out to me with concerns about their tax bills.
The best place to start is to either look at your bills from last year, or preferably, look up your Property Record on the Assessor’s section of the Town of Barnstable website.
Go to https://town.barnstable.ma.us then go to Departments: then Assessor:: then: Property Look Up. From there you can access your property information, including assessed values for previous years and your tax info for the last two years.
The present tax assessments are based on the real estate sales market in 2021. This is the last year with complete information. On average assessed values rose 27% from the year before. Assessments for most people rose, but the residential tax rate itself actually decreased from $8.64 per $1,000 in 2022 to $7.07 per $1,000 in 2023. Many people had their home values rise and their taxes remained about the same, while some saw higher home value increases and higher taxes.
While you are looking at your property information, check the bottom of your Tax Information to be sure that, if this is your primary residence, you are getting a Residential Exemption. This reduces your assessment by 20% before your taxes are calculated. You should have a line at the bottom of your tax information that says: Residential Exemption Received. You need to have owned your home since the beginning of 2022, but call the Assessor’s Office to get check all of the particulars.Example:
2023 Assessed Value: $669,800Barnstable FD Tax (Commercial)$ 0Barnstable FD Tax (Residential)$ 1,279.32Community Preservation Act Tax$ 109.91Town Tax (Commercial)$ 0Town Tax (Residential)$ 3,663.56 Total: $ 5,052.79 | 2022 Assessed Value: $ 548,900Barnstable FD Tax (Commercial)$ 0Barnstable FD Tax (Residential)$ 1,383.23Community Preservation Act Tax$ 111.40Town Tax (Commercial)$ 0Town Tax (Residential)$ 3,713.31 Total: $ 5,207.94 |
Residential Exemption Received= $151,616 | Residential Exemption Received= $119,119 |
You can also review your Property Record Card for accuracy.
If you see a problem with your Property Record Card or you feel your assessment is not accurate, you have until the end of January to file for an abatement.
Questions regarding: Residential, Veteran, Senior, Blind Exemptions and Deferral applications can be directed to the Town Assessor’s Office by calling: 508–862-4022 or email assessor@town.barnstable.ma.us
Here is a link to a recently produced video which explains how our properties are assessed: AN OVERVIEW ‑VIDEOFISCAL YEAR 2023 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE TAX: