Newsletter: February 27 2023

Com­plete Streets
Many vil­lage res­i­dents have already shared their views about need­ed improve­ments to our roads and side­walks.  This is one more chance to raise aware­ness con­cern­ing the safe­ty issues on Com­merce Road and the need for a com­plete side­walk to 6A.

Complete Streets


In col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Cape Cod Com­mis­sion and based on pub­lic feed­back col­lect­ed this past Sum­mer, Town staff have worked to devel­op a Draft Pri­or­i­ti­za­tion Plan: a list of pri­or­i­ty road­way improve­ment projects through­out the Town of Barn­sta­ble ranked by defined eval­u­a­tion cri­te­ria includ­ing safe­ty, mobil­i­ty, abil­i­ty to imple­ment and com­mu­ni­ty support.

The Town of Barn­sta­ble and the Cape Cod Com­mis­sion want to hear from you. Does the Pri­or­i­ti­za­tion Plan reflect our com­mu­ni­ties’ pri­or­i­ties? Are there any road­way improve­ments that should be added to the Pri­or­i­ti­za­tion Plan? The pub­lic com­ment peri­od is now open through Wednes­day March 15th. To view the map of pro­posed pri­or­i­ty projects and to sub­mit com­ments, please vis­it the Cape Cod Com­mis­sion’s web­page: