Complete Streets
Many village residents have already shared their views about needed improvements to our roads and sidewalks. This is one more chance to raise awareness concerning the safety issues on Commerce Road and the need for a complete sidewalk to 6A.

In collaboration with the Cape Cod Commission and based on public feedback collected this past Summer, Town staff have worked to develop a Draft Prioritization Plan: a list of priority roadway improvement projects throughout the Town of Barnstable ranked by defined evaluation criteria including safety, mobility, ability to implement and community support.
The Town of Barnstable and the Cape Cod Commission want to hear from you. Does the Prioritization Plan reflect our communities’ priorities? Are there any roadway improvements that should be added to the Prioritization Plan? The public comment period is now open through Wednesday March 15th. To view the map of proposed priority projects and to submit comments, please visit the Cape Cod Commission’s webpage: